Sure, they all say that. But, what we really do well is sourcing interesting and innovative new products, like the one you see here with Cel-Fi.
When we find a great product we really get behind it, which is what led to us creating this microsite to showcase Cel-Fi mobile signal boosting technology and show you how it can benefit your business.
Our other day job is supplying communications technology to businesses all over the UK. And it's not just corporate offices we work in. You'll find us working in car dealerships, factories, warehouses, hotels, even churches!
Litenet was founded in March 2019, but our roots go way back further. To the 90s, when Fiesta XR2s were in vogue, petrol was less than £1 a litre, and The Spice Girls were topping the charts.
We're not just about signal boosters, there's a bunch of other stuff that we specialise in:
Check us out for yourself!